

“Raising Boys Into Extraordinary Young Men“ is a great book. As I read the book, I found myself talking to family and friends about a child’s mindset and the importance of what a child thinks he will become. I was so moved that I ordered Dr. Hawkins’ other book “Raising Girls Into Extraordinary Young Women” for my cousin.

Tonya Parker

A must read for every parent, very powerful! The author is clear and provides practical advice for parents on how to properly raise their daughters to be confident, strong and great leaders. This was a very informative book for me! The author explains the importance of spending time with our daughters and being very present in their lives. If we are present, focused, and constantly looking for moments to teach our children about love, life and happiness, then they will grow up to be great individuals. Thank you for writing this book, very helpful for every parent!

-Michelle B.

Raising Boys Into Extraordinary Young Men is an exceptional book that offers an extremely practical blueprint for all parents that want to raise exceptional young men and leaders! Definitely a must-read book!

-Erica D.

I truly enjoyed this book! It will make an excellent resource for school counselors and community youth groups. The book is also a great resource for parents and their sons in all stages of development!


This life-changing book is profound and inspirational. Dr. Hawkins is absolutely brilliant at explaining how to teach boys to be extraordinary from the moment they are born. Give this book to everyone you care about who are raising boys. It will change their lives forever.

-Vanessa B

Very excited about your book. I work with young adults in Largo, Maryland We would like to invite you to do a book talk bring books for purchase and signing

-Michele Shorter

Being a great-grandmother, who raised two sons, I feel that all parents can use the tips that are discussed in this marvelous book. I highly recommend that all parents read this book if they want to learn how to raise their sons to be exceptional young men and leaders.

-Nancy T.

This is a great book for all parents who are raising children. This book is a very good tool that lays out a plan that maps out a route for success in raising children. The plan outlined out in the book can work for anyone, regardless of their situation. If parents could follow most of Dr. Hawkins’ advice and guidance that are detailed in the book, the results would be greater than the average outcome. It is a “Great” book for all parents to read.

-Raymond J Henson

What Dr. Hawkins has presented in her book, Raising Boys Into Extraordinary Young Men: A Mother’s Perspective”, is a road map that lays out a plan that guarantees anyone who follows it, a route to success. The book is concise and to the point, and is not threatening to read, even for someone like myself, who has never been excited about picking up a book to read because of its thickness. I feel it’s a “must read” for any mother. From the first chapter to the end of the readings, it is plain to see that developing a son (or even a daughter for that matter) into an extraordinary young adult is hard work from start to finish. The encouraging factor about the plan is that it can work for anyone, regardless of your origin. I truly believe that in reading through the sixteen chapters of Dr. Hawkins’ well-thought out details, that if someone just completed only half of what is prescribed, the results would be a better than average outcome. “Great Job”.

-Gene Neal

A very warm, thought-provoking book on how to raise an amazing, intelligent, and well-rounded son. Dr. Hawkins’ love for all aspects of raising her son shines through this wonderful book. All mothers should follow her child-rearing advice. The world will be blessed.

-Clarice E. Gaylord, Ph.D.

This parenting book is written in a warm, straightforward, and easily understood way. It is a very meaningful resource that encourages parents to teach their daughters to be self-confident and how to always have a positive mindset. Dr. Hawkins shares parent-daughter interactions that illustrate beautifully that girls respond to constant praise and encouragement. The book is a positive, encouraging, and practical must-read for all parents who want to raise exceptional young women and leaders!

-Erica D.

Absolutely loved reading this book! Dr. Hawkins wrote a must-read book that is warm, straight-forward, and easily understandable about how to raise high achieving, self-confident, and phenomenal girls. I highly recommend this book to parents, teachers, counselors, and coaches who are raising or teaching young girls. The book is a great resource for every stage of a girl’s life.

-Vanessa B

I have been an athletics’ Coach for more than 40 years of my life, and it’s just dawned on me after reading Dr. Hawkins’ book, “Raising Girls Into Extraordinary Young Women”, how God has designed all of life to follow the same simple pattern. Being careful to detail, teaching fundamentals, creating a safe environment, developing enthusiasm, developing self-confidence and the belief that you can succeed, re-enforcing the need to be focused, communicating effectively, teaching the need to work hard and to persevere, and setting goals are all the ingredients I needed to be successful as a coach in producing a season with positive results. All these are points that are emphasized in the different chapters of Dr. Hawkins’ book, “Raising Girls Into Extraordinary Young Women”. Both coaching and raising girls are results driven ventures, as well as many other phases of life (do it the right way and the product will be extraordinary). Following Dr. Hawkins’ plan of raising your daughters will surely produce end results that will not only make you proud parents, but will also produce leaders that will help make this world “A Better Place for You and Me”.

-Brother Gene Neal – 20 ’67 Pi

Raising Girls Into Extraordinary Young Women is an outstanding must-read book. It is very concise and discusses how to build self-esteem in young girls by them repeating “Positive Affirmations”, ways for them to achieve academic excellence, and the need to control their social media and electronic use. I work with young adults and look forward to you doing a book presentation and signing with our organization.

-Michele Shorter

Raising Girls Into Extraordinary Young Women, is an excellent, realistic book that discusses how to raise wonderful, intelligent girls. Dr. Hawkins’ road map for guiding your daughters through the daily trials that young girls face in today’s changing world is extremely thought provoking. Topics such as your daughters being happy with who they are and how important it is to shape their mindset are discussed. All parents should pay attention to the advice that is presented in this must-read book.

-Clarice E. Gaylord, Ph.D.

This is an excellent book that is right on point. It is a good road map for extraordinary parenting of young girls.

-Raymond J Henson